Chinook Shores Lodge Employee Earns Bachelor’s Degree
March 23, 2019

McKinley Angerman Kellogg graduates with a Bachelor of Science in environmental science from Western Washington University (WWU).

McKinley Angerman Kellogg

KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / March 23, 2019 – Chinook Shores Lodge, a premier Southeast Alaska fishing lodge specializing in guided charters, self-guided fishing and wildlife viewing, today announced McKinley Angerman Kellogg has earned a bachelor’s degree and accepted the lodge’s operations manager position.

Kellogg started working for the lodge in the summer of 2013 prior to enrolling at Whatcom Community College to study hospitality and tourism business management. Upon completion of an associate degree, Kellogg transferred to Western Washington University to further her education. She returned every summer to work at the lodge as lead dock hand and quickly proved herself as mission-critical and a most valuable member of the team.

“McKinley worked tirelessly to earn her degree from WWU, often enrolling in online summer courses while working 12-hour days during our rigorous summer lodge schedule,” said lodge owner, Jeff Wedekind. “We are pleased to have her transition into this new role and permanent position at our company.”

Kellogg, who is passionate about wildlife and marine environments, sustainable seafood and healthy oceans, will head up the company’s future ecotourism efforts to promote traveling to natural areas, conserving the environment and sustaining the well-being of the local people. She is a member of the American Fisheries Society (AFS) and The International Ecotourism Society (TIES).

“I’m always excited to return to Ketchikan each summer to make sure the lodge is running as well as it possibly can while exceeding the expectations of co-workers and guests,” said McKinley Kellogg. “I’m just extremely happy to be finished with school.”

“Education is important, but fishing is importanter,” Kellogg jokingly added.

About Chinook Shores, Inc. Alaska Fishing Lodge:

Chinook Shores Lodge is located 15 miles north of Ketchikan International Airport in Southeast Alaska on Revillagigedo Island. Accommodations include waterfront beach houses and vacation rentals with hot tub spa, cable TV/WiFi, fully equipped kitchens, outdoor areas with BBQ grills and pier/dock access to marine facility with fishing boat rentals. Guests enjoy guided charter fishing, self-guided fishing, unguided fishing, eagle and whale watching, kayaking, hiking and zip-lining. For more information, visit: and Follow Jeff’s BlogFacebookGoogle+, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, Twitter and YouTube.
