Jeff’s Blog

2021 Fishing Report After a soggy boating season with Ketchikan’s record-setting rainfall in 2020, last summer the weather was amazing and the fishing was fantastic! The 2021 season started in June with halibut fishing and dungeness crabbing and ended strong in September with coho salmon fishing. Self-guided anglers hooked up king salmon, pink salmon, keta… Continue reading 2022 Ketchikan Alaska Fishing Forecast & 2021 Report

It’s all about King salmon in Knudson Cove… or Chinook salmon at Chinook Shores Lodge. Really, whatever you want to call them… Kings or Chinooks… they’re biting! Ketchikan salmon catch rates typically increase the last two weeks of June, 2019 is no exception. King salmon catch rates in the Mountain Point area and the Herring… Continue reading Ketchikan Fishing Report: King Salmon Edition

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Sport Fish announced today that the bag and possession limit for all anglers in three Ketchikan terminal harvest areas, is one king salmon, 28 inches or greater in length. For nonresidents, the annual limit is three king salmon, 28 inches or greater in length. The terminal… Continue reading Ketchikan Terminal Harvest Areas Open to Harvest Hatchery King Salmon

Source: Alaska Department of Fish & Game (as of May 06, 2019) 2019 Alaska sport fishing licenses are available online at the Alaska Fish & Game (AF&G) Website. King Salmon Retention of king salmon is prohibited in the Ketchikan area through June 14th. Opportunity to harvest king salmon will be available in areas where Alaska… Continue reading 2019 Ketchikan Fishing Report

King Salmon The king salmon non-retention period in West Behm Canal, East Behm Canal and Southern Revilla Channel expired on August 14. King salmon may be retained throughout the Ketchikan Area, except in North and Northeast Behm Canal which is closed to salmon fishing year-round (area description below). Regional king salmon limits: Bag and possession… Continue reading September 2018: Ketchikan Fishing Report

Source: Alaska Department of Fish & Game King Salmon There have been several news releases issued regarding king salmon limits for the Southeast Region and the Ketchikan area. Please pay particular attention to the Ketchikan news release dated March 29, 2018 that prohibits king salmon retention in all of Districts 1 and 2 through June… Continue reading 2018 Ketchikan Fishing Report

WHEN: Tuesday, May 29, 2018 at 6:00 pm WHERE: Ketchikan Borough Chambers, Conference Room C (directions) Fish & Game Advisory Committees are a collection of community members from across user groups that come together, discuss Fish & Game issues and recommend changes to current regulations. They also represent their community before the Board of Fisheries… Continue reading Alaska Department of Fish & Game to Host Public Meeting in Ketchikan
Attn: Alaska Board of Fish (BOF) RE: SE & Yakutat Finfish & Shellfish Comments I own and operate Chinook Shores sport fishing lodge located in Clover Passage, West Behm Canal. We opened in 2005, lodge up to 30 guests, operate seven fishing boats, employ eight people and bring approximately 600 non-resident anglers to Ketchikan May-September.… Continue reading An Open Letter Regarding Proposed 2018 Unuk River King Salmon Stock Status and Action Plan
King salmon Sport fishing for king salmon has reopened in Southeast Alaska marine waters as of October 1, 2017. The following regulations are now in effect through March 31, 2018. Residents: Bag and possession limit is two king salmon, 28 inches or greater in length. Residents may use two rods when fishing for king salmon… Continue reading 2017 Ketchikan Alaska Fishing Report
Chinook (King) Salmon 2015 was the year of the King salmon in Ketchikan, Alaska. The return of our local Chinook in June was above average with most of the kings in the 15-25 lb range. The fishing started out hot in early June and continued on a typical up and down pattern throughout the month.… Continue reading 2015 Southeast Alaska Fishing Report: Jeff’s 2016 Fishing Forecast
I am often asked, “What can I do to catch more salmon?” The simplest and often most accurate answer is, fish where the salmon are. Or more precisely, fish in a school of salmon. Salmon will often congregate around a pinnacle, behind a rock, near a point or on some sort of structure along a… Continue reading How to Catch More Salmon
While Chinook Shores Lodge offers some of the calmest salt water fishing around, peeople often ask us “Where can I fly fish in Ketchikan?” or “Where can I fresh water fish in Ketchikan?” The two fresh water fishing spots nearest Chinook Shores Lodge are Ward Lake and the Naha River National Recreation Trail. Naha Bay Getting There: Access… Continue reading Fresh Water Fishing in Ketchikan, Alaska
Successful halibut fishing really depends on timing and weather… From mid June through August halibut fishing is pretty good to excellent in Ketchikan. I can only think of a few days in recent years that we targeted halibut and did not catch our limit while I was guiding. Some of those days were due to… Continue reading How’s the Halibut Fishing in Ketchikan?
The 2014 fishing season in Ketchikan, Alaska proved another great summer for anglers seeking salmon and halibut! The King (Chinook) salmon fishing started out slow in May and early June but by mid June fishing started to pick up and we saw a lot of nice kings through the whole month of July with peak… Continue reading 2014 Ketchikan, Alaska Fishing Report
People often ask what they can expect to catch on a guided sport fishing charter in Ketchikan, Alaska. Today’s bag is: Silver salmon, halibut, pink salmon and lingcod.
Limit Out On The Salmon? Go For The Lings! Silver (coho) fishing in Ketchikan can be phenomenal from July through September. So what do you do when you and your buddies have limited out on 24 coho salmon before 10:30 AM? Go bottom fishing! You can find a spot to halibut fish in nearly all… Continue reading Lingcod Bonus Fish for Silver Salmon Fisherman
The Pura Vida, Jeff’s 30ft Shamrock, returning to Chinook Shores after a day guiding Washington state anglers. Every day is Fish Friday at the lodge.
Nonresident anglers can catch two king salmon a day in Southeast Alaska (May-June 2014) due to new Alaska Fish and Game sport fishing regulations. If she can “bring home the bacon, and fry it up in a pan” SO CAN YOU! Alaska Department of Fish and Game to allow nonresident anglers to bag and possess… Continue reading Bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan!
The Pacific Northwest Sportsmen’s Show remained through the week and weekend during inclement Portland weather. Those able to make it safely to the Portland Expo Center enjoyed all the show has to offer. See you next year in Portland!
WHEN YOU GO HALIBUT FISHING YOU BETTER HAVE A PLAN ON HOW TO GET IT IN THE BOAT. There are a lot of halibut that are lost at the side of the boat by inexperienced halibut fishermen and it’s not just the big ones that get away. 20-Pounders get lost too, because when you break their nose… Continue reading How to Land a Big Halibut
Lake and Pond Fishing Enjoy fishing for Steelhead, Trout, and all five pacific salmon species in Ward Lake, a popular fishing destination. To access the trailhead parking area follow the North Tongass Highway to the Revilla Road junction. Turn right and follow to the intersection with Ward Lake Road; turn right again. Follow Ward Lake Road… Continue reading Nice Spot at Ward Lake in Ketchikan Alaska for Steelhead Fishing — Winter, Spring or Fall!
Fishing in Alaska is something that every sportsman should experience. Offering exciting opportunities for halibut and salmon fishing, this is the destination that fishermen everywhere dream of. Halibut is especially abundant in the southeast are of Alaska, including Ketchikan. This area is well known for its large halibut and salmon runs. Large catches are often… Continue reading Successful Halibut and Salmon Fishing in Alaska
A Self Guided / Unguided Fishing Adventure In Alaska Can Be The Most Rewarding Fishing Trip You’ll Ever Take At Chinook Shores we specialize in Unguided Alaska fishing trips. We have everything you need for the Do-It-Yourselfer. We understand what you need and our boats, facilities and helpful staff show it. Chinook Shores was designed… Continue reading Unguided Fishing
GUIDED ALASKA FISHING TRIPS ARE A GREAT WAY TO GET INTO SOME WORLD CLASS FISHING RIGHT OFF THE BAT If you are an inexperienced boater/fisherman or would rather have a professional guide get you straight into some of the hottest salmon and halibut fishing Alaska has to offer then a fully guided Alaska fishing trip… Continue reading Guided Fishing
Looking for an unforgettable vacation opportunity that offers something for everyone in your family? Alaska fishing trips are a great way to bond with your family in an environment unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Vast, open spaces and cold waters filled with sea life provide ample opportunity for seeing many types of animals. Both fishing… Continue reading Fun with the Whole Family: Planning Alaska Fishing Vacations
In the summer, SE Alaska halibut hang out in several different sea bed types but the one thing they’ll all have in common is food. Halibut eat crab, shrimp, cod, herring, squid, octopus, salmon, etc. – they are truly the pigs of the sea. Halibut will travel the inside waters through channels, up canals and… Continue reading SUMMER HAUNTS
I’ve been in the “Lower 48” most of the winter, exhibiting at trade shows and gearing up my Alaska lodge and boats for the 2013 fishing season. Today I paid a visit to SPORTCO and the Outdoor Emporium. While I was shopping I started a conversation with one of the store managers. As we spoke about fishing in… Continue reading Sport fishing is great just north of Ketchikan, Alaska!
Chinook Shores is the perfect choice for an Alaska family vacation. The calm water and easy access to the fish make it simple for kids to be successful fishermen. The best time to bring the kids is in August when there is plenty of Ketchikan fishing action and good weather. Our waterfront chalets, private beach… Continue reading Family Fishing Trips In Alaska
Halibut fishing in Alaska is a thrilling experience. The high value, delicious fish can put up a strong fight during the catching process, making it truly exciting. Thanks to the natural environment in Ketchikan and Southeast Alaska, the area is known for large halibut runs. With large tides, ample bait fish and huge schools of… Continue reading How to Plan an Alaska Halibut Fishing Trip
The most common question I get asked is, “When’s the best time to come fishing in Alaska”. And my answer is always, “Anytime from June through September“. It just depends on what kind of fish you want to catch and where you want to fish. Remember Ketchikan is at the southern end of the southeast panhandle… Continue reading The Best Times to Fish in Ketchikan
If you want to catch salmon in Southeast Alaska, follow these simple steps to cut and rig a plugged herring. This rig works well for Mooching or Trolling and will catch salmon, halibut, rockfish…pretty much anything that feeds on herring. So it won’t catch a Sockeye salmon as they feed on krill. Using a sharp knife,… Continue reading HOW TO CUT & RIG A HERRING
WHERE AND WHEN TO JIG – I jig for halibut all the time, bait is great but usually jigging will out fish it. My favorite way to jig halibut is by anchoring on or drifting across a point or gently sloping shoreline with a gravely bottom during a slack tide (tide change) where schools of salmon,… Continue reading Jig Fishing for Alaska Halibut
Halibut spawn annually between November and March in deep water (600 to 1800 ft) near the edge of the continental shelf from British Columbia to the Bering Sea. The free floating eggs hatch after two to three weeks and as the larvae develop they gradually float upwards and drift in a northwest direction with the… Continue reading THE LIFECYCLE OF A HALIBUT
One of the most common and effective ways to fish salmon is using a cut plug herring. Why a cut plug? – Simply because it’s easy to get a good spin, you can change the spin with the cut angle, it’s easy to rig, and it works well for both trolling and mooching. I have… Continue reading Selecting and Brining Herring for Alaska Salmon Fishing
HOW BIG IS THIS HALIBUT? – After you’ve hooked up, how you play the halibut can be the difference in landing her in the boat. I tend to keep my drag tight when halibut jigging so when I set the hook, it gets driven through the lip or cheek instead of the spool just paying out… Continue reading How to Fight a Big Halibut
When I anchor up on a halibut spot in Alaska I like to immediately get some some meat in the water to start a scent trail. These are the rods you want up current typically in the bow of the boat, unless the wind and tide are opposite of each other and your sitting sideways… Continue reading Alaska Halibut Fishing with Circle Hooks
The preparation you’ll need for your Alaska fishing trip depends on the type of trip you have planned. Fishing lodges are perfect for those who are looking for a high-quality fishing experience that has easy access to the hottest fishing spots with both chartered and unchartered boats. These professionally run establishments offer an authentic fishing experience with… Continue reading How to Prepare for Alaska Fishing Trip
Are you looking for the best place to stay during your fishing trip in Alaska? Fishing lodges offer the best in fishing vacations. With easy access to high quality boats and fishing gear, you can be well on your way to catching the big one when you purchase an Alaska vacation package. Packages for fishing… Continue reading Fishing in Alaska: Where to Stay During Your Alaska Fishing Vacation
You’ve done the amusement park, you experienced the fancy resorts and spa vacations. So, what’s next? An Alaskan vacation is an exciting destination that many people never get to experience. Trips are typically more affordable than travelers realize, making it a realistic vacation solution that the whole family can enjoy. Visiting Alaska isn’t just for… Continue reading Unique Vacation Destinations: Planning Your Alaska Vacation
If you are looking for a unique vacation that is fun for the whole family, look no further than beautiful Alaska. Alaska fishing resorts offer a wide range of opportunities and aren’t just limited to fishing. Many resorts offer easy access to numerous activities, including snorkeling, air tours and kayaking. Destinations like these make exploring… Continue reading Alaska Fishing Resorts: Fun for the Whole Family
Planning an Alaska fishing vacation? Alaska is like no other destination in the world. Amazing fishing opportunities and untouched wilderness make it a popular place for all types of travelers, from families with an interest in wildlife, to professional sportsmen. As long as you are well-prepared, you will enjoy the trip of a lifetime. An… Continue reading Helpful Tips for Your Alaska Fishing Vacation