Press Releases

KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / January 28, 2025 – Ketchikan Alaska Fishing Lodge, specializing in guided charters, unguided and self-guided fishing, today announced its membership with the Southeast Alaska Guides Organization (SEAGO). Chinook Shores Lodge has been a beacon for fishing enthusiasts since its inception by Jeff Wedekind in 2005. With a commitment to providing unparalleled fishing… Continue reading Chinook Shores Lodge Joins Southeast Alaska Guides Organization

KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / March 21, 2024 – Ketchikan Alaska Fishing Lodge, specializing in guided charters, unguided and self-guided fishing, today announced its participation in the upcoming International Sportsmen’s Expo (ISE) in Salt Lake City. The lodge’s presence at this prestigious event signifies its ongoing commitment to sharing the unparalleled beauty and adventure of Alaska sportfishing… Continue reading Chinook Shores Lodge to Showcase Self-Guided Fishing at International Sportsmen’s Exposition in Salt Lake City

KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / March 16, 2024 – Chinook Shores Lodge, an Alaska fishing lodge specializing in guided charters and self-guided fishing, today announced the addition of the ninth Silver Streak rental boat to its impressive fleet. Renowned for its self-guided sportfishing experiences, the Chinook Shores Lodge continues to elevate its offerings, providing anglers with top-tier… Continue reading Chinook Shores Lodge Expands Fleet with 9th All-Aluminum, Self-Guided Sport Fishing Rental Boat

KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / February 26, 2024 – Chinook Shores Lodge, a premier Southeast Alaska fishing lodge specializing in guided charters, self-guided fishing and wildlife viewing, today announced that McKinley Kellogg, a dedicated member of our team, has been selected to attend the 2024 Marine Resource Education Program (MREP) Workshop for the North Pacific Fishery Management… Continue reading Chinook Shores Lodge Employee Selected to Attend 2024 Marine Resource Education Program

KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / June 1, 2023 – Chinook Shores Lodge, a premier Southeast Alaska fishing lodge specializing in guided charters, self-guided fishing and wildlife viewing, today announced Soren Heinecke has accepted the full-time, year round equipment and facilities manager position in Ketchikan. In his new role, Heinecke will be responsible for the oversight of all… Continue reading Soren Heinecke Accepts Facilities & Equipment Manager Position at Chinook Shores Lodge

SHOP FOR GROCERIES Together the companies aim to provide excellent service to Ketchikan visitors while keeping locals healthy by minimizing the risk of COVID-19 traveler spread. KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / March 12, 2021 – Chinook Shores Lodge, a premier Southeast Alaska fishing lodge specializing in guided charters, self-guided fishing and wildlife viewing, today announced a strategic… Continue reading Chinook Shores Lodge and Alaskan & Proud Markets Announce Strategic Alliance

KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / December 17, 2020 – Chinook Shores Lodge, a premier Southeast Alaska fishing lodge specializing in guided charters, self-guided fishing and wildlife viewing, today announced employee participation and successful completion of The Safety Specialists (TSS) COVID Clean – Taking Care of Business course. TSS’s COVID Clean – Taking Care of Business consists of… Continue reading Chinook Shores Lodge Employees Successfully Complete COVID Clean Coursework

McKinley Angerman Kellogg graduates with a Bachelor of Science in environmental science from Western Washington University (WWU). KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / March 23, 2019 – Chinook Shores Lodge, a premier Southeast Alaska fishing lodge specializing in guided charters, self-guided fishing and wildlife viewing, today announced McKinley Angerman Kellogg has earned a bachelor’s degree and accepted the… Continue reading Chinook Shores Lodge Employee Earns Bachelor’s Degree

Boat selected specifically for travelers, tourists and anglers to who love fishing and wildlife viewing in the Ketchikan areas of Knudson Cove and Clover Pass. KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / February 14, 2019 – Chinook Shores Lodge, a premier Southeast Alaska fishing lodge specializing in guided charters and self-guided fishing, today announced the purchase of a Defiance 270… Continue reading Chinook Shores Lodge Adds New Charter Fishing Boat to Fleet

Captain’s License allows Heinecke to operate large vessels up to 100 gross tons. KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / June 1, 2018 – Chinook Shores Lodge, a premier Southeast Alaska fishing lodge specializing in guided charters and self-guided fishing, today announced Søren Heinecke’s successful completion of the United States Coast Guard (USCG) approved Captain’s License training program at Flagship… Continue reading Chinook Shores Lodge Dock Hand, Søren Heinecke, Earns Captain’s License

KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / May 28, 2017 – Chinook Shores Lodge, an Alaska fishing lodge specializing in guided charters and self-guided fishing, today announced the addition of its fifth 23′ Silver Streak to its unguided and bare boat fleet. The purchase decision is part of management’s desire to ensure that Chinook Shores Lodge remains a leading destination for self-guided… Continue reading Chinook Shores Lodge Adds Four 23′ Silver Streak Boat To Self-Guided Fleet

New Boats are Part of an Investment to Amplify the Best-in-Class, Self-Guided Fishing Experience at Chinook Shores Lodge KETCHIKAN, ALASKA / February 19, 2016 – Chinook Shores Lodge, an Alaska fishing lodge specializing in guided charters and self-guided fishing, today announced the addition of four 23′ Silver Streak boats to its unguided and bareboat fleet. The… Continue reading Alaska Fishing Lodge, Chinook Shores, Adds Four 21′ Silver Streak Boats to Self-Guided Fleet
Chinook Shores will be exhibiting at the following 2015 boating, fishing and hunting events: January 8 – 11, 2015 International Sportsmen’s Expositions (ISE) – Booth #3818 Cal Expo, State Fairgrounds – Directions 1600 Exposition Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95815 Show Hours Thursday 11:00am – 8:00pm Friday 11:00am – 8:00pm Saturday 10:00am – 7:00pm Sunday 10:00am – 5:00pm January… Continue reading Chinook Shores Lodge Announces 2015 Sportsmen’s Expo and Event Schedule
“This is a good demonstration of how an improved business climate can make a positive impact on Alaska’s economy,” says John Binkley, president of CLIA Alaska. ”Alaska significantly improved its competitiveness in the world through changes in regulations, taxes and marketing – and now we’re going to enjoy the benefits.” Three larger cruise ships will… Continue reading 1 Million Cruise Visitors Expected to Travel to Alaska in 2015